

Divorce and child custody issues can drain time, money and energy from both sides of the dispute.  If a court makes a decision or issues an order, you may think a long road has finally come to an end. Unfortunately, it’s not always so simple.


If a judge renders a decision or issues an order in a family or marital law case, that’s not necessarily the end of the legal process.  If one or both parties are sufficiently dissatisfied, and the decision is arguably based on mistakes of fact or law that impacted the final outcome, one or both parties may appeal the decision to the District Court of Appeal. An appeal may substantially delay the outcome of the case and come at a heavy cost, so the issue and outcome needs to be of great importance to the party. We represent both parties in appeals: the party attempting to overturn a decision and the party seeking to have it enforced.


A couple may have very amicably reached a divorce agreement and easily resolved child custody and support issues. But as time passes, the situation may change.  What was agreed to in the past may no longer be tolerable for one or more parties. If a parent has become involved in drugs or arrested, the other parent may want sole custody of a child. A parent whose job is lost and income is greatly reduced may want child support payments decreased. As long as some kind of relationship exists between parents or ex-spouses and time passes, there’s a good chance one party or another will want some aspect of an agreement or order modified. We can help parties who feel changes are needed and also help parties who want to maintain the status quo.

Enforcement of Final Judgments and Orders

A judgment or order of the court, in and of itself, is only a piece of paper if it’s not enforced. If the opposing party is unhappy with the results and ignores it, it would seem all the time, energy, emotion and resources spent going through the legal system was wasted.  It may take additional legal action to change the behavior and get results.  Our appeals lawyers Boca Raton can and will enforce judgments and orders for our clients.  Our clients don’t resort to the court system lightly; they need results.  An enforcement action might be able to achieve those results.

If you’ve found yourself in a tricky situation and are in need of appeals attorneys Boca Raton, give us a call at 1-561-997-9995 or 1-800-863-9560.